About CARA
A Group of Volunteers Advocating Animal Welfare

CARA’s goal is to make spay & neuter, as well as basic services, affordable to everyone from all walks in life.
In making the spay & neuter procedures within people’s budgets, it will help towards curbing the over population, while preventing endless cruelty to unwanted offspring. It also stops the anti-social behavior that is associated with an unfixed animal. Our long term goal is to eventually own offer mobile spay & neuter services, to enable us to reach residents who are unable to afford the transport costs to travel to the clinic.
If you would like more information on the benefits of spaying and neutering, please read Why Spay & Neuter your furry friend will thank you.
The work we do at the CARA clinic would not be possible without the dedication of our staff and vet who generously offer their time and services to help CARA achieve its mission: making spay/neuter the most effective and humane way to control the population of the street animals. With their help, we are also able to make spay/neuter available and affordable to lower income communities. We currently offer pet boarding and pet grooming services in our clinic.
Our Vision
To make the Philippines a compassionate country where all cats and dogs have good homes.
Our Mission
To promote animal welfare in the country through education, public awareness, affordable sterilization and veterinary care, and the rehabilitation and rehoming of cats and dogs in need
Our Goals
To provide veterinary consultations for low income pet owners through the CARA veterinary clinic
To promote Trap/Neuter/Return in barangays, villages and commercial establishments
To provide caring and responsible homes through our adoption program
To educate citizens about animal welfare and the stray animal population
To promote no-kill pounds and shelters